It is important to emphasis that this journal is a multidisciplinary journal that accepts submissions from a wide range of social science and business fields including management, economics, sociology, public and health policy, environmental studies, and history. The Journal welcomes articles that touches on emerging issues that affects business, society and workplace; including issues that advance understanding of development, sustainability and public policy. Submissions may consist of conceptual papers, empirical studies, or public policy analyses.
JORMASS is committed to building an inclusive academic journal where all management and its related domain researcher and scholars are treated with fairness and respect, regardless of national origin, race, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, and physical ability. Diversity is a cornerstone of the journal's culture. We are committed to excellence in article publication and ensuring that your article reach wide audience.
Manuscripts are reviewed with the understanding that they:
- are substantially new;
- have not been previously published, unless as part of proceedings, without copyrights, distributed by a conference;
- have not been previously accepted for publication;
- are not under consideration by any other publisher;
- will not be submitted elsewhere until a decision is reached regarding their publication in
Different kinds of articles are published in JORMASS. Peer reviewed articles present empirical findings and conceptual models. Introductions to special issues position the subject matter and preview the peer reviewed articles. Invited commentaries confirm or challenge viewpoints expressed in peer reviewed articles, while other invited communications provide compelling insights germane to management and its related areas.
In line with global best practices, articles submitted to JORMASS undergo thorough pre-evaluation to ascertain its suitability and conformity with standard of the Journal by the Editorial Team, after which the article is send to two or more experts in the field for peer review. The Journal considers peer review and evaluation critical and ensure that all submission are given fair and solid review. Our interest is often to ensure that papers published in this Journal contribute to shaping policy in the society or business.
Articles should be written in an interesting, readable manner, and technical terms should be defined.
Manuscript Preparation and Submission
- General Considerations
Manuscripts must be submitted electronically to JORMASS electronic review system on his system requires submitting authors to divide their manuscripts into different components, which are then reassembled as a pdf file available to the editors and reviewers. Manuscripts that reveal author names or are otherwise inappropriately formatted will be returned.
Manuscripts should be double-spaced, including references and formatted for letter size (8.5" x 11") paper with 1-inch margins on all four sides. Do not use single spacing anywhere except on tables and figures. Place page numbers in the upper right-hand corner of every page. A .5-inch tab indent should begin each paragraph except those immediately following a heading. Manuscripts ordinarily should be between 8,000 and 12,000 words (inclusive of references and all other items) using Times New Roman 12-point type. Articles of shorter length are also acceptable and encouraged. Please refrain from using first person singular in the text of the manuscript unless it is an invited article or book review. Also, avoid using inefficient “there is (are)” and “it is” phrasing in sentences.
Plagiarism: The Journal has a similarity index benchmark of 15%. Please ensure that your paper is not above this benchmark or it will be returned.
For details of manuscript preparation not covered herein, please examine recent issues of the Journal.
- Submission Process
User Account – The Submission platform asks authors to generate an author/reviewer account if one has not been created already. Authors are required to supply their first and last names, email addresses, and other information requested.
Title, Abstract, and Keywords – Authors first supply the manuscript title and an abstract. The title should be reasonably short and communicate the main idea of the research. The abstract should not be longer than 250 words and should substantively summarize the article. Five keywords to facilitate electronic access to this manuscript should be listed after the abstract. Given that researchers increasingly rely upon Google Scholar and other search engines, choice of appropriate keywords is imperative to encourage downloads and citations.
Body and References – The body of the text and reference list are submitted next. The text should left-justify all headings. Major headings should be in bold with upper- and lowercase letters. Subheadings should be in italics with upper- and lowercase letters. Do not use footnotes in the body of the manuscript. If notes are used, place endnotes in a numbered list after the body of the text and before the reference list. However, please avoid endnotes wherever possible because they interrupt the flow of the manuscript. Acronyms, abbreviations, and jargon are defined unless they are well known (such as FBI) or they can be found in a dictionary. Quotes should include page numbers from the original source. All citations in the text (see below) must have a reference and every reference should be cited.
Tables and Figures – Each table and figure should be prepared on a separate page. The data in tables should be arranged so that columns of like materials read down, not across. Non-significant decimal places in tabular data should be omitted. The tables and figures should be numbered in Arabic numerals, followed by brief descriptive titles. Additional details should be footnoted under the table, not in the title. In the text, all illustrations and charts should be referred to as figures. Figures must be clean and crisp and visually appealing. Please be sure captions are included. Within the body of the text, please indicate where tables and figures should appear by inserting something like the following: [Insert Table 1 about here].
Because readers increasingly will be accessing JORMASS articles online, authors are encouraged to use high resolution color images wherever appropriate.
- Reference Citations within Text
Citations in the text should include the author's last name and year of publication enclosed in parentheses with punctuation (Smith, 2013). Otherwise, insert it in a logical sentence break. For multiple authors, use the full citation for up to three authors, for example, (Smith & DuPont, 2013). For more than two authors, use the first author's name with "et al.” (Smith et al. 2013). When two or more citations are within the same parentheses, they should be in alphabetical order by lead author surnames.
- Reference List Style
Please the JORMASS accepts only the latest APA style of referencing. List references alphabetically, principal author's surname first, followed by publication date. The reference list should be double-spaced with a .5 inch hanging indent. Please refer to for guideline.
- Mathematical Notation
Mathematical notation must be clear within the text. Equations should be centered on the page. If equations are numbered, type the number in parentheses flush with the right margin. For equations that may be too wide to fit in a single column, indicate appropriate breaks. A marginal note should identify unusual symbols and Greek letters.
Please further inquiries may be directed to The Editor, JORMASS via Online submissions from the author account dashboard is through this link: